
We are committed to our employees' overall well-being. That's why we offer a range of programs to support their physical health, mental health, financial wellness, and work-life balance.

Our actions

Our global well-being approach

We integrate holistic well-being principles around mental, physical and financial health into our employee programs and initiatives. In 2023, we relaunched our well-being portal to create more awareness of the resources available to support employee well-being. Employee input is critical to the evolution of our approach, so we survey our people annually on well-being topics to further guide us on this journey.

We have started integrating biophilic design principles into our offices to increase connectivity to the natural environment. The incorporation of landscaping, natural light, and non-toxic materials contribute to mental and physical well-being.

Placing employee well-being at the center of how we work

We have a variety of well-being offerings to support our workforce with flexible working:

Putting our people in the driver seat of their experience

We strive to make Moody’s a place where people want to come and stay. We decided that this meant working together with our people to create new expectations around physical presence in the office – a flexible way of working we call PurposeFirst.

With PurposeFirst, we offer a balanced and empowering experience for our employees – one where they understand how their presence can support the needs of the business and, equally, where they can address their personal needs and working styles. To support this initiative, we provided training to managers to help them adopt and integrate PurposeFirst into their team’s daily operating rhythm.

Moody’s Moments that Matter

Our virtual well-being series, Moody’s Moments that Matter, educates and empowers employees on mental health, resilience, and thriving in a virtual world. In 2023, over 3,300 employees participated in the 8 sessions we hosted on key topics, such as managing stress, developing meaningful connections, and navigating mental health.

Protecting the health and safety of employees

We prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our employees globally. We manage safety measures and programs, such as communications, training, and policies, at the local or regional level. We also conduct site-based inspections of workspaces in accordance with local requirements, prepare for emergency situations, and encourage employees to report work-related hazards.

Our performance

We have been certified as a Great Place to Work® from 2022 to 2024 in the United States. This prestigious recognition highlights the work we’re doing to foster an environment where everyone feels empowered to grow, thrive and achieve their fullest potential.